Deploy Consul on VMs
Consul is a service networking solution that enables you to manage secure network connectivity between services and across on-premise and multi-cloud environments and runtimes. Consul offers service discovery, service mesh, traffic management, and automated updates to network infrastructure device. Check out the What is Consul? page to learn more.
In this tutorial, you will configure, deploy, and bootstrap a Consul server on
a virtual machine (VM). After deploying Consul, you will interact with Consul
using the UI, CLI, and API.
In the following tutorials, you will deploy a demo application, configure it to use Consul service discovery, secure it with service mesh, allow external traffic into the service mesh, and enhance observability into your service mesh. During the process, you will learn how to leverage Consul to securely connect your services running on any environment.
In this tutorial, you will use a test environment to:
- Configure a Consul server
- Start a Consul server instance
- Configure your terminal to communicate with the Consul datacenter
- Bootstrap Consul ACL system and create tokens for Consul management
- Interact with Consul API, KV store and UI
This tutorial is part of the Get Started collection, for this reason all the steps used to configure Consul agents and services are shown and require to be executed manually. If you are setting up a production environment you should codify and automate the installation and deployment process. Refer to the VM production patterns tutorial collection for Consul production deployment best practices.
Tutorial scenario
This tutorial uses HashiCups, a demo coffee shop application made up of several microservices running on VMs.
At the beginning of this tutorial, you have an instance of HashiCups running on four VMs and one empty VM that you will use to deploy Consul server.
By the end of this tutorial, you will have deployed a Consul server agent running on the extra virtual machine.
This tutorial uses an interactive lab to guide you through how to deploy Consul server on a dedicated VM. The lab environment includes all required binaries and sample configurations.
Launch Terminal
This tutorial includes a free interactive command-line lab that lets you follow along on actual cloud infrastructure.
Verify Consul binary
On the Bastion Host and the Consul tabs, verify that the VMs have the Consul binary installed.
$ consul version
Consul v1.16.0
Revision 192df66a
Build Date 2023-06-26T20:07:11Z
Protocol 2 spoken by default, understands 2 to 3 (agent will automatically use protocol >2 when speaking to compatible agents)
Generate Consul server configuration
To securely configure Consul by ensuring all communications between the Consul nodes are inaccessible to unintended agents, you need to provide Consul with:
- A gossip encryption key.
- A root certificate authority (CA) certificate from a private CA. Consul will use this CA certificate to sign all certificates in the Consul datacenter.
- A certificate key-pair for each server you intend to deploy signed by the above CA.
In addition, you want to enable ACLs to ensure every request to your Consul datacenter is authorized.
This tutorial and interactive lab environment uses scripts in the tutorial's GitHub repository to generate these secrets and the Consul configuration files. You will use these scripts to generate your Consul server configuration.
The interactive lab environment includes these scripts. In Bastion Host,
list the files in the ops
$ tree ops
`-- scenarios
`-- 99_supporting_scripts
3 directories, 6 files
The scripts rely on default parameters to generate the configuration files. Set the following default values. Ensure you have permission to write in the specified paths.
$ export CONSUL_DATACENTER="dc1" \
export CONSUL_DOMAIN="consul" \
export CONSUL_DATA_DIR="/opt/consul" \
export CONSUL_CONFIG_DIR="/etc/consul.d/"
export CONSUL_RETRY_JOIN="consul-server-0"
The script creates all the files in a destination folder. Export the path where you wish to create the configuration files for the scenario.
$ export OUTPUT_FOLDER="./assets/scenario/conf/";
Make sure the folder exists.
$ mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}
Generate all necessary files to configure and run the Consul server agent.
$ ./ops/scenarios/99_supporting_scripts/
[] - Generate Consul servers configuration
-- [WARN] CONSUL_DOMAIN = consul
-- Cleaning Scenario before apply.
-- [WARN] Removing pre-existing configuration in ./assets/scenario/conf/
-- Generate scenario config folders.
-- Generate secrets.
-- Generating Gossip Encryption Key.
-- Generate CA
==> Saved consul-agent-ca.pem
==> Saved consul-agent-ca-key.pem
-- Generate Server Certificates
==> WARNING: Server Certificates grants authority to become a
server and access all state in the cluster including root keys
and all ACL tokens. Do not distribute them to production hosts
that are not server nodes. Store them as securely as CA keys.
==> Using consul-agent-ca.pem and consul-agent-ca-key.pem
==> Saved dc1-server-consul-0.pem
==> Saved dc1-server-consul-0-key.pem
-- Generating Configuration for consul-server-0
-- Validate configuration for consul-server-0
When the script completes, list the generated files.
|-- consul-server-0
| |-- agent-gossip-encryption.hcl
| |-- agent-server-acl.hcl
| |-- agent-server-networking.hcl
| |-- agent-server-specific-ui.hcl
| |-- agent-server-specific.hcl
| |-- agent-server-telemetry.hcl
| |-- agent-server-tls.hcl
| |-- consul-agent-ca.pem
| |-- consul-agent-key.pem
| |-- consul-agent.pem
| `-- consul.hcl
`-- secrets
|-- agent-gossip-encryption.hcl
|-- consul-agent-ca-key.pem
|-- consul-agent-ca.pem
|-- dc1-server-consul-0-key.pem
`-- dc1-server-consul-0.pem
3 directories, 16 files
The scripts generated multiple configuration files so it is easier to read and tune them for your environment. The following are the generated files and a description of what they do:
- The
file configures gossip encryption. - The
file configures the ACL system. - The
file configures networking for the server agent. - The
file contains specific server UI configuration. - The
file contains specific server parameters. - The
file configures agent telemetry parameters. - The
file configures specific TLS encryption. - The
files are certificate key-pair Consul uses to enforce mTLS for datacenter communications. - The
file contains node specific configuration and it is needed, with this specific name, if you want to configure Consul as a systemd daemon.
Visit the agent configuration documentation to interpret the files or to tune them when applying them to your scenario.
Test configuration
Verify the configuration generated is valid.
Despite the INFO
messages, the Consul configuration files are valid.
$ consul validate ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/consul-server-0
## ...
Configuration is valid!
Copy configuration on Consul server node
Once the configuration is created, copy it to the Consul server VM.
In the AWS lab environment, all the VM nodes have a running SSH server. As a
result, you can use ssh
and scp
commands to perform the following operations.
If the nodes in your personal environment do not have an SSH server, you may
need to use a different approach to create the configuration directories and
copy the files.
First, configure the Consul configuration directory.
$ export CONSUL_REMOTE_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/consul.d/
Then, remove existing configuration from the server.
$ ssh -i certs/id_rsa consul-server-0 "sudo rm -rf ${CONSUL_REMOTE_CONFIG_DIR}*"
Finally, use scp
to copy the configuration into the server node.
$ scp -i certs/id_rsa ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}consul-server-0/* consul-server-0:${CONSUL_REMOTE_CONFIG_DIR}
Start Consul server
Now that you have created the Consul configuration files, you can start the Consul server.
Open the Consul tab.
Start the Consul server process.
$ consul agent -config-dir=/etc/consul.d > /tmp/consul-server.log 2>&1 &
The command starts the Consul server in the background to not lock the terminal. You can access the
Consul server log through the /tmp/consul-server.log
$ cat /tmp/consul-server.log
==> Starting Consul agent...
Version: '1.16.0'
Build Date: '2023-06-26 20:07:11 +0000 UTC'
Node ID: 'e625c18f-6492-5a44-c4b8-df2bd905177b'
Node name: 'consul-server-0'
Datacenter: 'dc1' (Segment: '<all>')
Server: true (Bootstrap: true)
Client Addr: [] (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: 8443, gRPC: -1, gRPC-TLS: 8503, DNS: 8600)
Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
Gossip Encryption: true
Auto-Encrypt-TLS: true
ACL Enabled: true
Reporting Enabled: false
ACL Default Policy: deny
HTTPS TLS: Verify Incoming: false, Verify Outgoing: true, Min Version: TLSv1_2
gRPC TLS: Verify Incoming: false, Min Version: TLSv1_2
Internal RPC TLS: Verify Incoming: true, Verify Outgoing: true (Verify Hostname: true), Min Version: TLSv1_2
==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
[INFO] agent: Started DNS server: address= network=tcp
[INFO] agent: Started DNS server: address= network=udp
[INFO] agent: Starting server: address= network=tcp protocol=http
[INFO] agent: Starting server: address=[::]:8443 network=tcp protocol=https
[INFO] agent: Started gRPC listeners: port_name=grpc_tls address= network=tcp
[INFO] agent: Consul agent running!
[WARN] agent: Node info update blocked by ACLs: node=bcff042e-614b-e20c-4eda-bcf2fb1233ab accessorID="anonymous token"
The output shows the Consul server successfully starting, but some checks are blocked by ACLs. This is because the datacenter is configured to have ACL enabled by default, denying any request that does not present a valid token.
You must bootstrap the ACL system to finish setting up your Consul server.
Configure Consul CLI to interact with Consul server
In order to interact with the Consul server, you need to setup your terminal.
still defined as environment variables. Refer to the Generate Consul server configuration to redefine these environment variables.
In Bastion Host, run the following commands to configure the Consul CLI to interact with the Consul server.
$ export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR="https://consul-server-0:8443" \
export CONSUL_HTTP_SSL=true \
export CONSUL_CACERT="assets/scenario/conf/secrets/consul-agent-ca.pem" \
Bootstrap ACLs
Verify that the Consul CLI can reach your Consul server.
$ consul info
Error querying agent: Unexpected response code: 403 (Permission denied: anonymous token lacks permission 'agent:read' on "consul-server-0". The anonymous token is used implicitly when a request does not specify a token.)
The output informs you that while the Consul CLI can reach your Consul server, Consul's ACLs are blocking the request.
Bootstrap the Consul ACL system and save the output in a file named acl-token-bootstrap.json
$ consul acl bootstrap --format json > ./acl-token-bootstrap.json
The command generates a management token with full permissions over your
datacenter. The output will look similar to the following. The management token
is the value associated with the SecretID
"CreateIndex": 24,
"ModifyIndex": 24,
"AccessorID": "a09ee518-f4bf-f1a0-7bdd-2124ef1157af",
"SecretID": "4becaa33-8fa3-a4c4-6ac5-fed2e20ee3a3",
"Description": "Bootstrap Token (Global Management)",
"Policies": [
"ID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
"Name": "global-management"
"Local": false,
"CreateTime": "2022-08-23T14:17:57.686753287Z",
"Hash": "X2AgaFhnQGRhSSF/h0m6qpX1wj/HJWbyXcxkEM/5GrY="
Extract the management token from the file and set it to the CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN
environment variable.
$ export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=`cat ./acl-token-bootstrap.json | jq -r ".SecretID"`
A management token is a very sensitive information for the security of your Consul datacenter. In these tutorials, we use a management token in the scenarios to simplify the get started experience. We do not recommended for production environments.
After you set the management token, the Consul server logs will signal that you have successfully initialized the ACL system.
[WARN] agent.server.acl: failed to remove bootstrap file: error="remove /opt/consul/acl-bootstrap-reset: no such file or directory"
[INFO] agent.server.acl: ACL bootstrap completed
Now that you have bootstrapped the ACL system, you can interact with the Consul server.
$ consul info
check_monitors = 0
check_ttls = 0
checks = 0
services = 0
prerelease =
revision = 5e08e229
version = 1.15.2
version_metadata =
acl = enabled
bootstrap = true
known_datacenters = 1
leader = true
leader_addr =
server = true
## ...
Create server tokens
The Consul datacenter is now fully bootstrapped and is ready to receive requests.
The Consul server logs still contain warnings related to ACL permissions. This is because the server tries to update the node information but the ACL system blocks the requests.
[WARN] agent: Coordinate update blocked by ACLs: accessorID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
[WARN] agent: Node info update blocked by ACLs: node=c4d03d9d-911f-07a6-2c72-b2bfa924c44b accessorID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
In order to complete configuring the Consul server, you need to create the tokens for the server agents and assign them to the server.
script automates the process of creating
policies and tokens for your Consul server. This script generates ACL policies
for Consul DNS service and for the server agent and applies them to the Consul
In the terminal with your bastion host, run the
script` to create the ACL policies and tokens for your Consul server.
$ ./ops/scenarios/99_supporting_scripts//
[] - - Generate Consul server tokens
-- Cleaning Scenario before apply.
-- Create policies
-- Setting environment variables to communicate with Consul
-- Generate server tokens
ACL token "agent" set successfully
ACL token "default" set successfully
After you create the server tokens, your Consul logs will show the updated ACL tokens.
## ...
[INFO] agent: Updated agent's ACL token: token=agent
## ...
[INFO] agent: Updated agent's ACL token: token=default
## ...
Interact with Consul server
Now that you have completed configuring and deploying your Consul server, you will interact with it. Consul provides different ways to retrieve information about the datacenter — select the tab(s) for your preferred method.
Use the Consul CLI to retrieve members in your Consul datacenter.
$ consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC Partition Segment
consul-server-0 alive server 1.16.1 2 dc1 default <all>
Check the Consul CLI commands reference for the full list of available commands.
Interact with Consul KV
Consul includes a key/value (KV) store that you can use to manage your service's configuration. Even though you can use the KV store using the CLI, API, and UI, this tutorial only covers the CLI and API methods. Select the tab(s) for your preferred method.
Create a key named db_port
with a value of 5432
$ consul kv put consul/configuration/db_port 5432
Success! Data written to: consul/configuration/db_port
Then, retrieve the value.
$ consul kv get consul/configuration/db_port
Interact with Consul DNS
Consul also provides you with a fully featured DNS server that you can use to
resolve the IPs for your services. By default, Consul DNS service is
configured to listen on port 8600
$ dig @consul-server-0 -p 8600 consul.service.consul
; <<>> DiG 9.16.42-Debian <<>> @consul-server-0 -p 8600 consul.service.consul
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 56210
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;consul.service.consul. IN A
consul.service.consul. 0 IN A
;; Query time: 4 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Aug 31 06:58:26 UTC 2023
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 66
If you want to test Consul DNS interface from the Consul server node, use the following command.
$ dig @ -p 8600 consul.service.consul
Next steps
In this tutorial, you deployed a Consul server on a VM. After deploying Consul, you interacted with Consul using the CLI, UI, and API.
Even when deployed without Consul clients, you can:
- use Consul's KV store as a centralized configuration management tool. You can use it with consul-template to configure your services automatically.
- use Consul server as a DNS server. You can use it to register and resolve external services in your network.
In the next tutorial, you will deploy Consul clients on the VMs hosting your application. Then, you will register the services running on each server and set up health checks for each service. This enables service discovery using Consul's distributed health check system and DNS.
For more information about the topics covered in this tutorial, refer to the following resources: