lease lookup
The lease lookup
command retrieves information on the lease of a secret.
Every secret in Vault has a lease associated with it. Users can look up information on the lease by referencing the lease ID.
Lookup a lease:
$ vault lease lookup database/creds/readonly/27e1b9a1-27b8-83d9-9fe0-d99d786bdc83
Key Value
--- -----
expire_time 2021-03-17T11:55:50.755313-05:00
id database/creds/readonly/27e1b9a1-27b8-83d9-9fe0-d99d786bdc83
issue_time 2021-03-17T11:45:50.755312-05:00
last_renewal <nil>
renewable true
ttl 9m52s
There are no flags beyond the standard set of flags included on all commands.