The token
command groups subcommands for interacting with tokens. Users can
create, lookup, renew, and revoke tokens.
For more information on tokens, please see the token concepts page.
Create a new token:
$ vault token create
Revoke a token:
$ vault token revoke 96ddf4bc-d217-f3ba-f9bd-017055595017
Renew a token:
$ vault token renew 96ddf4bc-d217-f3ba-f9bd-017055595017
Usage: vault token <subcommand> [options] [args]
# ...
capabilities Print capabilities of a token on a path
create Create a new token
lookup Display information about a token
renew Renew a token lease
revoke Revoke a token and its children
For more information, examples, and usage about a subcommand, click on the name of the subcommand in the sidebar.