Tune the lease time-to-live (TTL)
The benefit of using Vault's dynamic secrets engines and auth methods is the ability to control how long the Vault-managed credentials (leases) remain valid. Often times, you generate short-lived credentials or tokens to reduce the risk of unauthorized attacks caused by leaked credentials or tokens. If you do not explicitly specify the time-to-live (TTL), Vault generates leases with TTL of 32 days by default.
For example, you enabled AppRole auth method at approle
, and create a role
named read-only
with max lease TTL of 120 days.
$ vault write auth/approle/role/read-only token_policies="read-only" \
token_ttl=90d token_max_ttl=120d
The command returns a warning about the TTL exceeding the mount's max TTL value.
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* token_max_ttl is greater than the backend mount's maximum TTL value;
issued tokens' max TTL value will be truncated
Therefore, it will return a client token with TTL of 768 hours (32 days) instead of 120 days.
$ vault write auth/approle/login role_id=<ROLE_ID> secret_id=<SECRET_ID>
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* TTL of "2880h" exceeded the effective max_ttl of "768h"; TTL value is
capped accordingly
Key Value
--- -----
token hvs.CAESIJeVezY3UObHXTvzpI722q0MmaARB1692fT-MmdzcryvGh4KHGh2cy43czViYXVZS3FnSzltWmdVZ3Q0MmFTdkc
token_accessor wXTOvz5xxBi2vvUpTBhemUXr
token_duration 768h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["default" "read-only"]
identity_policies []
policies ["default" "read-only"]
token_meta_role_name read-only
Max lease TTL on an auth mount
You cannot set the TTL for a role to go beyond the max lease TTL set on the
AppRole auth mount (approle
in this example). The default lease TTL and max
lease TTL are 32 days (768 hours).
$ vault read sys/auth/approle/tune
Key Value
--- -----
default_lease_ttl 768h
description n/a
force_no_cache false
max_lease_ttl 768h
token_type default-service
If the desired max lease TTL is 120 days (2880 hours), update the max lease TTL on the mount.
$ vault auth tune -max-lease-ttl=120d approle
The following command lists all available parameters that you can tune.
$ vault auth tune -h
Now, the AppRole will generate a lease with token duration of 120 days (2880 hours).
$ vault write auth/approle/login role_id=<ROLE_ID> secret_id=<SECRET_ID>
Key Value
--- -----
token hvs.CAESIOzTpLX4naKw-epzhcb3DneZ9ZuRTx4tKh5mTT1CajLQGh4KHGh2cy5TUFFhY3QzVzdmSTFwQUduOWlrMVRWaUE
token_accessor blc2MGA4EmmqEROzqlotFbqr
token_duration 2880h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["default" "jenkins"]
identity_policies []
policies ["default" "jenkins"]
token_meta_role_name jenkins
Max lease TTL on a secrets mount
Similar to the AppRole auth method example, you can tune the max lease TTL on dynamic secrets.
For example, you enabled database secrets engine at mongodb
and create a role
named tester
with max lease TTL of 120 days (2880 hours). When you request a
database credential for the tester
role, it returns a warning, and its lease
duration is 32 days (768 hours) instead of 120 days.
$ vault read mongodb/creds/tester
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* TTL of "2880h" exceeded the effective max_ttl of "768h"; TTL value is
capped accordingly
Key Value
--- -----
lease_id mongodb/creds/tester/fVPt15506k3UW9n4pq0kIpBH
lease_duration 768h
lease_renewable true
password Eskkx6yRhAN4--H9WL7B
username v-token-tester-6BtY903qOZBpzYa4yQs8-1724715513
To set the desired TTL on the role, tune the max lease TTL on the mongodb
$ vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=120d mongodb
Verify the configured max lease TTL available on the mount.
$ vault read sys/mounts/mongodb/tune
Key Value
--- -----
default_lease_ttl 768h
description n/a
force_no_cache false
max_lease_ttl 2880h
The following command lists all available parameters that you can tune.
$ vault secrets tune -h
When you introduce Vault into your existing system, the existing applications may not be able to handle short-lived leases. You can tune the default TTLs on each mount.
On the similar note, if the system default of 32 days is too long, you can tune the default TTL to be shorter to comply with your organization's policy.