Learn to use the Vault HTTP API
All Vault's capabilities are accessible using the HTTP API. Calls from the CLI invoke the HTTP API and sometimes, Vault features are only accessible using the HTTP API.
Oliver administers Vault at HashiCups. Part of Oliver's job is to create logins and passwords for developers at HashCups to login to Vault.
Danielle the developer needs to be able to login to Vault to create secrets used by the HashiCups application. Oliver will enable the userpass auth method, create a user, set a password, create and attach a policy to the user. Then Oliver creates a new secrets engine. Danielle then logs in, and creates their first secret.
For administrative and development tooling they both need to be able to use the HTTP API for their tasks.
To complete this tutorial, you need the following:
- Vault binary installed and configured in your system PATH.
- curl to use the API command examples.
- jq to format JSON output.
You will use cURL to make requests to the HTTP API. Responses are JSON formatted
and can be very long. jq
helps make sure that the API responses are easier to
Set up the lab
Open a new terminal and start a Vault dev server with the literal string
as the root token value, and enable TLS.$ vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id root -dev-tls
The dev server listens on the loopback interface at on TCP port 8200 with TLS enabled. At runtime, the dev server also automatically unseals, and prints the unseal key and initial root token values to the standard output.
Root tokens
The dev mode server starts with an initial root token value set.
Root token use should be extremely guarded in production environments because they enable full access to the Vault server.
You use the root token here for convenience, and to keep the tutorial steps focused on what you'll learn.
In a new terminal, export the
environment variables using the commands suggested in your Vault dev server output.Copy each command (without the
) from the server output, and paste it into the new terminal session.Example:
$ export VAULT_ADDR=''
$ export VAULT_CACERT='/var/folders/qr/zgztx0sj6n1dxy86sl36ntnw0000gn/T/vault-tls3037226588/vault-ca.pem'
Remember to use your dev server's values, not the examples shown here.
Export an environment variable for the
CLI to authenticate with the Vault server.$ export VAULT_TOKEN=root
The Vault server is ready.
Check the server status
Oliver can use Vault's HTTP API for all interactions. They will start with checking the status of the Vault seal.
Set an environment variable
, CURL uses that locate a CA cert.$ export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=$VAULT_CACERT
Use the HTTP API to check the server status.
$ curl -s $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/seal-status | jq { "type": "shamir", "initialized": true, "sealed": false, "t": 1, "n": 1, "progress": 0, "nonce": "", "version": "1.15.5", "build_date": "2024-01-26T14:53:40Z", "migration": false, "cluster_name": "vault-cluster-cfe1cb9c", "cluster_id": "f507fd9f-89c4-e1f4-69ec-6919b0f9307b", "recovery_seal": false, "storage_type": "inmem" }
to send an HTTP GET request for the status of the Vault instance. This is an unauthenticated request, and does not require a client token. Vault responds to your request with a JSON based response.
Headers and paths
HTTP headers let the client and the server pass information with an HTTP request or response.
Almost every operation in HashiCorp Vault requires a client token. Set the X-Vault-token
header with the token.
In this tutorial, in the shell you set the VAULT_TOKEN
environment variable with the client token. That value is then sent in the X-Vault-token
See the HTTP API docs for optional headers.
To see the curl equivalent of the CLI command to enable userpass auth method, use the -output-curl-string
$ vault status -output-curl-string
curl -H "X-Vault-Token: $(vault print token)" -H "X-Vault-Request: true" http://localhost:8200/v1/sys/seal-status
Also required for HTTP calls is an address. The path after the address Vault is located on and the HTTP action determine what Vault does, and understanding them is important to effectively using Vault. In this tutorial, the address is http://localhost:8200
which is stored in VAULT_ADDR
environment variable.
For example, in the health check above it hits $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/seal-status
endpoint. So reading from the /v1/sys/seal-status
path returns the status information.
Interestingly, using the CLI you can vault read
against the same paths for the information.
$ vault read /sys/seal-status
Key Value
--- -----
build_date 2024-01-26T14:53:40Z
cluster_id 4e4d0082-43e0-4636-223a-4b5e6d1e31f8
cluster_name vault-cluster-1193e5a7
initialized true
migration false
n 1
nonce n/a
progress 0
recovery_seal false
sealed false
storage_type inmem
t 1
type shamir
version 1.15.5
What parameter is used to pass a token to Vault?
The X-Vault-Token
parameter defines the token you want to use for an API call.
Enable and configure an auth method
(Persona: operations)
Developers like Danielle need to authenticate with Vault in order to create secrets to be used by their applications and web services. Oliver will set up an authentication method that humans can use called userpass.
To enable an auth method with the CLI, you use the following command:
$ vault auth enable <auth_method_type>
This is how to enable the userpass auth method by invoking the Vault HTTP API.
$ curl \ -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ -X POST \ -d '{"type": "userpass"}' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/auth/userpass
The HTTP API requires a POST against a new URL ending with the name of the auth method, with JSON data specifying the type.
Notice that the request to enable the userpass endpoint needed an authentication token. In this case you are passing the root token generated when you started the Vault server. You can also generate tokens using any other authentication mechanisms, but initially you will use the root token for simplicity.
Vault responds to this command with an HTTP 204 status code, but does not include any response data.
To determine if it was successful, check the terminal running Vault for a log entry resembling:
[INFO] core: core: enabled credential backend: path=userpass/ type=userpass version=""
An alternative is to use the HTTP API list the enabled authentication engines.
$ curl \ -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/auth | jq ".data"
Example output:
{ "token/": { ... }, "userpass/": { "accessor": "auth_userpass_0da1ad62", "config": { "default_lease_ttl": 0, "force_no_cache": false, "max_lease_ttl": 0, "token_type": "default-service" }, "deprecation_status": "supported", "description": "", "external_entropy_access": false, "local": false, "options": {}, "plugin_version": "", "running_plugin_version": "v1.15.5+builtin.vault", "running_sha256": "", "seal_wrap": false, "type": "userpass", "uuid": "5031c2b8-b766-6a2d-4c3c-582f8c7c3246" } }
Create an user in userpass.
$ curl \ -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ -X POST \ -d '{"password":"Imprint Bacteria Marathon Aflutter","token_policies":"developer-vault-policy"}' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/auth/userpass/users/danielle-vault-user
You should not expect any output from this command.
This user has a
. Vault has adefault
policy already created, and next you create ACL policies nameddeveloper-vault-policy
. Use the/sys/policies/acl
endpoint to create the policy via Vault API.$ curl \ -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{"policy":"path \"dev-secrets/data/creds\" {\n capabilities = [\"create\", \"update\"]\n}\n\npath \"dev-secrets/data/creds\" {\n capabilities = [\"read\"]\n}\n"}' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/policies/acl/developer-vault-policy
You should not expect any output from this command.
List the Vault policies, and look for
.$ curl -s -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/policy | jq ".data.policies" [ "default", "developer-vault-policy", "root" ]
Enable and configure a secrets engine
(Persona: operations)
Oliver will create a static secrets engine.
The policy developer-vault-policy
expects dev-secrets/data
path to exist. Starting the Vault server in development mode creates a key/value version 2 secrets engine at secrets/
, and for the development team Oliver will create the dev-secrets
secrets engine.
With this command, check which secrets engines are already mounted.
$ curl -s \ -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/mounts | jq ".data"
Example output:
{ "cubbyhole/": { ... }, "identity/": { ... }, "secret/": { "accessor": "kv_49adaf9a", "config": { "default_lease_ttl": 0, "force_no_cache": false, "max_lease_ttl": 0 }, "deprecation_status": "supported", "description": "key/value secret storage", "external_entropy_access": false, "local": false, "options": { "version": "2" }, "plugin_version": "", "running_plugin_version": "v0.16.1+builtin", "running_sha256": "", "seal_wrap": false, "type": "kv", "uuid": "3e67cdab-9fa2-0c1b-c689-f7eef8e5358c" }, "sys/": { ... } }
Create a secrets engine at
.$ curl \ -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ -X POST \ -d '{ "type":"kv-v2" }' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/mounts/dev-secrets
Vault responds to this command with an HTTP 204 status code, but does not include any response data.
Authenticate and create secrets
(Persona: development)
Oliver has created the login for Danielle, and set up a secrets engine. Danielle logs into Vault to create a static secret.
The following command logins in
and retrieves theclient-token
.$ curl -s \ -X POST \ -d '{ "password": "Imprint Bacteria Marathon Aflutter" }' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/auth/userpass/login/danielle-vault-user | jq ".auth.client_token"
You will get the client token under the
auth.client_token key
The Vault returns the client token (
) used to authenticate with Vault. This token has specific capabilities on all the resources encompassed by thedeveloper-vault-policy
.Export the newly acquired client token as the
environment variable value and used to authenticate later Vault requests.Copy the command (without the
), and paste it into the new terminal session.Example:
Remember to use your login's values, not the examples shown here.
When using the token in DANIELLE_DEV_TOKEN, HTTPS connections to Vault will interact with it with the capabilities defined by the policy
.Create a secret named
with a keypassword
and its value set toDriven Siberian Pantyhose Equinox
.$ curl -s \ -H "X-Vault-Token: $DANIELLE_DEV_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{ "data": {"password": "Driven Siberian Pantyhose Equinox"} }' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/dev-secrets/data/creds | jq ".data"
Example output:
{ "created_time": "2024-02-29T18:22:10.162571Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 1 }
Display the secret at
.$ curl -s \ -H "X-Vault-Token: $DANIELLE_DEV_TOKEN" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/dev-secrets/data/creds | jq ".data"
Example output:
{ "data": { "password": "Driven Siberian Pantyhose Equinox" }, "metadata": { "created_time": "2024-03-05T20:04:04.073324Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 1 } }
Clean up
Unset the
environment variable.$ unset VAULT_TOKEN && unset VAULT_ADDR && unset DANIELLE_DEV_TOKEN
to stop the server process in the terminal window where you started the server, or use this command to kill the server process from any local terminal session:$ pkill vault
All interactions with Vault use the Vault HTTP API. When you use the
Vault CLI or UI, those interfaces are using the HTTP API. You can interact with
the HTTP API through common utilities such as cURL
or using programming
languages such as Python (fetch
, httpx
) or NodeJS (https.get
, https.request