Kubernetes with HCP Vault Dedicated
Managing access to secrets is a critical process for organizations that run workloads on Kubernetes. HCP Vault Dedicated can manage secrets for Kubernetes pods from outside the Kubernetes cluster.
A Vault client (a user, an application, Kubernetes pod, etc.) must authenticate with Vault before it can read secrets managed by Vault.
In this tutorial, you will setup:
- Your local environment to support Vault Dedicated.
- Start a Kubernetes cluster using minikube.
- Authenticate with Vault Dedicated using:
- Vault token
- Kubernetes auth method
- Kubernetes auth method via the Vault Agent injector service
- Read secrets stored in Vault Dedicated.
Running Vault in Kubernetes
Running self hosted Vault in a Kubernetes cluster is explored in the Vault Installation to minikube via Helm and Injecting Secrets into Kubernetes Pods via Vault Helm Sidecar tutorials.
- HCP Vault Dedicated dev tier or higher cluster available
- Vault
- kubectl
- Helm
- minikube installed and configured
- ngrok installed and configured with an auth token
This tutorial was tested against the following specific versions:
- HCP Vault Dedicated 1.12.3
- Vault CLI 1.13
- Kubectl 1.26
- Helm 3.112
- minikube 1.29
- Kubernetes 1.26
The scenario described in this tutorial involves two personas:
with privileged permissions to manage Vault and Kubernetesapps
reads the secrets from Vault (client)
Lab setup
Vault setup
If you do not have access to an HCP Vault Dedicated cluster, visit the Create a Vault Cluster on HCP tutorial.
Launch the HCP Portal and login.
Click Vault in the left navigation pane.
In the Vault clusters pane, click vault-cluster.
Under Cluster URLs, click Public Cluster URL.
Organizations running HCP Vault Dedicated should consider disabling public access to the Vault cluster. Pods running in Kubernetes can connect to the private Vault Dedicated address using connectivity options with a supported public cloud provider such as using an AWS transit gateway or an Azure VNet peering connection.
Open a new terminal and set the
environment variable to the copied address.$ export VAULT_ADDR=<Public_Cluster_URL>
Return to the Overview page and click Generate token.
Within a few moments, a new token will be generated.
Copy the Admin Token.
Return to the terminal and set the
environment variable.$ export VAULT_TOKEN=<token>
Set the
environment variable toadmin
.$ export VAULT_NAMESPACE=admin
namespace is the top-level namespace automatically created by HCP Vault. All CLI operations default to use the namespace defined in this environment variable.Note
For these tasks, you can use HCP Vault Dedicated's admin token. However, it is recommended that admin tokens are only used for enough initial setup or in emergencies. As a best practice, use an authentication method or token that meets the policy requirements.
Enable the KV secret engine.
$ vault secrets enable -version=2 -path=secret kv Success! Enabled the kv secrets engine at: secret/
Create a secret at path
with ausername
.$ vault kv put secret/exampleapp/config username='jalbertson' password='bestpasswordever' ======== Secret Path ======== secret/data/exampleapp/config ======= Metadata ======= Key Value --- ----- created_time 2022-06-06T18:26:14.070155Z custom_metadata <nil> deletion_time n/a destroyed false version 1
The Vault Dedicated server is ready.
minikube setup
minikube is a CLI tool that provisions and manages the lifecycle of single-node Kubernetes cluster locally inside Virtual Machines (VM) on your system.
Start a Kubernetes cluster.
$ minikube start 😄 minikube v1.25.2 on Darwin 12.3 ✨ Automatically selected the docker driver. Other choices: hyperkit, virtualbox, ssh 👍 Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube 🚜 Pulling base image ... 🔥 Creating docker container (CPUs=2, Memory=8100MB) ... 🐳 Preparing Kubernetes v1.23.3 on Docker 20.10.12 ... ▪ kubelet.housekeeping-interval=5m ▪ Generating certificates and keys ... ▪ Booting up control plane ... ▪ Configuring RBAC rules ... 🔎 Verifying Kubernetes components... ▪ Using image 🌟 Enabled addons: storage-provisioner 🏄 Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default
The initialization process takes several minutes as it retrieves any necessary dependencies and executes various container images.
Verify the status of the minikube cluster.
$ minikube status minikube type: Control Plane host: Running kubelet: Running apiserver: Running kubeconfig: Configured
Create a Kubernetes service account named
with a service account token.$ kubectl create -f - <<EOF --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: exampleapp --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: exampleapp annotations: exampleapp type: --- EOF
Example output:
serviceaccount/exampleapp created secret/exampleapp created
minikube is ready.
Token auth method authentication
(Persona: admin)
A pod can authenticate directly with a Vault Dedicated cluster using a token. In this example, the admin token is used for simplicity but any token can be supplied in the pod configuration.
Tokens can be created in Vault using a auth method and attaching a policy. Policies should follow the concept of least privilege to ensure the pod only has access to the secrets required.
Create a pod named
that sets theVAULT_ADDR
environment variables.Note
This pod configuration includes examples of how to set environment variables that your application may require to interact with Vault. In this tutorial, you are interacting with the pod using the
command-line interface so the environment variables in subsequent commands are also interpreted from your local shell session.$ kubectl create -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: exampleapp-token labels: app: exampleapp-token spec: serviceAccountName: exampleapp containers: - name: app image: ubuntu command: [ "/bin/sh" , "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ] env: - name: VAULT_ADDR value: $VAULT_ADDR - name: VAULT_TOKEN value: $VAULT_TOKEN - name: VAULT_NAMESPACE value: $VAULT_NAMESPACE EOF
Example output:
pod/exampleapp-token created
Get all the pods in the default namespace.
$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE exampleapp-token 1/1 Running 0 4m
Wait until the
pod reports that is running and ready (1/1
).Update the containers apt repositories.
$ kubectl exec exampleapp-token -- apt update
Install cURL in the container.
cURL is used to simulate an application retrieving secrets from the HCP Vault Dedicated cluster.
$ kubectl exec exampleapp-token -- apt install curl -y
Verify connectivity from the Ubuntu container to the Vault Dedicated cluster.
(Persona: apps)
$ kubectl exec exampleapp-token -- \ curl --silent $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/seal-status | jq
Example output:
{ "type": "shamir", "initialized": true, "sealed": false, "t": 1, "n": 1, "progress": 0, "nonce": "", "version": "1.12.3+ent", "build_date": "2023-02-03T12:10:29Z", "migration": false, "cluster_name": "vault-cluster-be46d550", "cluster_id": "51ac8751-45d4-1970-2177-b30f6229568f", "recovery_seal": true, "storage_type": "raft" }
Read the
secret created in the lab setup section.$ kubectl exec exampleapp-token -- curl -silent \ --header "X-Vault-Request: true" \ --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/exampleapp/config | jq
The API returns the secret defined at the path
.Example output:
{ "request_id": "508cdab5-166e-5a0d-519a-266e8a658ea6", "lease_id": "", "renewable": false, "lease_duration": 0, "data": { "data": { "password": "bestpasswordever", "username": "jalbertson" }, "metadata": { "created_time": "2023-03-24T18:25:22.991166575Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 1 } }, "wrap_info": null, "warnings": null, "auth": null }
Stop the
pod.$ kubectl delete pod exampleapp-token pod "exampleapp-token" deleted
Kubernetes auth method authentication
Rather than generating and assigning a token though the token auth method, pods can authenticate directly with Vault using a Kubernetes service account and an associated service account token. Vault uses the service account to validate the identity of the pod using the Kubernetes API.
In this scenario, Vault requires access to the Kubernetes API. In production environments, this would be done by connecting your HCP HVN to a transit gateway or peering connection with the network where Kubernetes is running.
For the purposes of this tutorial, you will configure ngrok to expose the Kubernetes API.
Kubernetes configuration
(Persona: admin)
Create a Kubernetes service account for Vault to authenticate with the Kubernetes, a service account token for the service account, and a role to allow Vault to access the appropriate API.
$ kubectl create -f - <<EOF --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: vault-auth --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: vault-auth annotations: vault-auth type: --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: role-tokenreview-binding roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: system:auth-delegator subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: vault-auth namespace: default EOF
Example output:
serviceaccount/vault-auth created secret/vault-auth created created
Retrieve the
secret and store it as an environment variable.$ VAULTAUTH_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret vault-auth -o json | jq -r '.data')
Review the secret.
Example output:
{ "ca.crt": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSURC..<snip>..lwNGN6cmFpb0E9PQotLS0tLUVORCBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCg==", "namespace": "ZGVmYXVsdA==", "token": "ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpTVXpJMU5pSXNJbXRwWkNJNkl..<snip>..TWR3T0kwRVlxcE0zZGJ1d3JMUW5vMjNhSnJWaU5SaEp3" }
The secret includes the public key
as base64 encoded strings.Decode the
certificate and store it as an environment variable.$ K8S_CA_CRT=$(echo $VAULTAUTH_SECRET | jq -r '."ca.crt"' | base64 -d)
Decode the
and store it as an environment variable.$ VAULTAUTH_TOKEN=$(echo $VAULTAUTH_SECRET | jq -r '.token' | base64 -d)
You have collected the necessary information for the
service account to configure the Kubernetes auth method.
Configure networking
(Persona: admin)
In another terminal, start a proxy to expose the Kubernetes API.
$ kubectl proxy --disable-filter=true Request filter disabled, your proxy is vulnerable to XSRF attacks, please be cautious Starting to serve on
Leave this tab open with the proxy running.
In another terminal, start ngrok and create a tunnel to the proxy listening on port
ngrok is used to expose the Kubernetes API to HCP Vault Dedicated. Using
exposes the API without encryption to avoid TLS certificate errors.For production workloads, use a private peering or transit gateway connection with trusted certificates.
$ ngrok http --scheme=http
Example output:
ngrok (Ctrl+C to quit) Session Status online Account username (Plan: Free) Update update available (version 3.0.5, Ctrl-U to update) Version 3.1.1 Region United States (us) Latency 32.791235ms Web Interface Forwarding -> Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Copy the ngrok forwarding address.
Return to the terminal where you set the
environment variable and set an environment variable for the ngrok forwarding address.$ export K8S_URL=<actual-address-from-ngrok>
Configure Vault
(Persona: admin)
Enable the Kubernetes auth method.
$ vault auth enable kubernetes Success! Enabled kubernetes auth method at: kubernetes/
Configure the Kubernetes auth method.
$ vault write auth/kubernetes/config \ token_reviewer_jwt=$VAULTAUTH_TOKEN \ kubernetes_host=$K8S_URL \ kubernetes_ca_cert=$K8S_CA_CRT
Example output:
Success! Data written to: auth/kubernetes/config
Create a Vault policy that permits read access to
$ vault policy write exampleapp-read - << EOF path "secret/data/exampleapp/config" { capabilities = ["read"] } EOF
Example output:
Success! Uploaded policy: exampleapp-read
Create a role for the Kubernetes auth method and include the
Vault policy.$ vault write auth/kubernetes/role/exampleapp \ bound_service_account_names=exampleapp \ bound_service_account_namespaces=default \ policies=default,exampleapp-read \ ttl=1h
Example output:
Success! Data written to: auth/kubernetes/role/exampleapp
Authenticate and read secret
(Persona: apps)
Retrieve the
service account token and store it as an environment variable.$ EXAMPLEAPP_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret exampleapp -o json | jq -r '.data | .token' | base64 -d)
Create a pod named
that sets theEXAMPLEAPP_AUTH
environment variables.VAULT_TOKEN
is not required because the pod will authenticate with Vault using the Kubernetes service account defined in the auth method configuration to retrieve a token.Note
This pod configuration includes examples of how to set environment variables that your application may require to interact with Vault. In this tutorial, you are interacting with the pod using the
command-line interface so the environment variables in subsequent commands are also interpreted from your local shell session.$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: exampleapp-auth labels: app: exampleapp-auth spec: serviceAccountName: exampleapp containers: - name: app image: ubuntu command: [ "/bin/sh" , "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ] env: - name: VAULT_ADDR value: $VAULT_ADDR - name: VAULT_NAMESPACE value: $VAULT_NAMESPACE - name: EXAMPLEAPP_TOKEN value: $EXAMPLEAPP_TOKEN EOF
Example output:
pod/exampleapp-auth created
Get all the pods in the default namespace.
$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE exampleapp-auth 1/1 Running 0 4m
Wait until the
pod reports that is running and ready (1/1
).Update the containers apt repositories.
$ kubectl exec exampleapp-auth -- apt update
Install cURL in the container.
cURL is used to simulate an application retrieving secrets from the HCP Vault Dedicated cluster.
$ kubectl exec exampleapp-auth -- apt install curl -y
Verify connectivity from the Ubuntu container to the Vault Dedicated cluster.
$ kubectl exec exampleapp-auth -- \ curl --silent $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/seal-status | jq
Example output:
{ "type": "shamir", "initialized": true, "sealed": false, "t": 1, "n": 1, "progress": 0, "nonce": "", "version": "1.12.3+ent", "build_date": "2023-02-03T12:10:29Z", "migration": false, "cluster_name": "vault-cluster-be46d550", "cluster_id": "51ac8751-45d4-1970-2177-b30f6229568f", "recovery_seal": true, "storage_type": "raft" }
Use the
Vault role to authenticate and store the generated Vault token as an environment variable.$ POD_TOKEN=$(kubectl exec exampleapp-auth -- curl --silent \ --request POST \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --data '{"jwt": "'$EXAMPLEAPP_TOKEN'", "role": "exampleapp"}' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/auth/kubernetes/login | jq -r '.auth | .client_token')
Read the
secret created in the lab setup section using thePOD_TOKEN
.$ kubectl exec exampleapp-auth -- curl --silent \ --header "X-Vault-Request: true" \ --header "X-Vault-Token: $POD_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/exampleapp/config | jq
The API returns the secret defined at the path
because the API call used the token obtained using the Kubernetes auth method with theexampleapp-read
policy attached.Example output:
{ "request_id": "a32ec3f2-c6c4-67dd-6de5-c3ef208381af", "lease_id": "", "renewable": false, "lease_duration": 0, "data": { "data": { "password": "bestpasswordever", "username": "jalbertson" }, "metadata": { "created_time": "2023-03-30T17:08:44.218378893Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 1 } }, "wrap_info": null, "warnings": null, "auth": null }
Stop the
pod.$ kubectl delete pod exampleapp-auth pod "exampleapp-token" deleted
Vault Agent injector service
While a pod can access Vault directly, there are times when network restrictions do not allow one or more pods to connect to external services such as Vault Dedicated.
When requirements limit egress network traffic, one option to consider is using the Vault Agent injector service. The injector service enables the authentication and secret retrieval on behalf of the applications. The Vault Agent pod, however, will require an exception to permit egress communications to Vault Dedicated.
In this section, you will install the Vault Helm chart to run the injector service, and configure the pod with the necessary annotations to work with the injector service.
Install Vault Agent
(Persona: admin)
Add the HashiCorp Helm repository.
$ helm repo add hashicorp "hashicorp" has been added to your repositories
Update all the repositories to ensure
is aware of the latest versions.$ helm repo update Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Successfully got an update from the "hashicorp" chart repository Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
Install the Vault agent and configure with the Vault Dedicated public address.
The Vault Helm chart also creates a service account named
. In the previous section you created a dedicated service account for Vault so thevault
account will not be used in this tutorial.$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault \ --set "global.externalVaultAddr=$VAULT_ADDR" \
is assigned the address of Vault Dedicated cluster.Get all the pods in the default namespace.
$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE vault-agent-injector-7b6cd469d8-8svg5 1/1 Running 0 15s
The Vault Agent Injector pod is deployed in the default namespace.
Wait until the
pod reports that it is running and ready (1/1
Inject secrets into the pod
(Persona: apps)
The Vault Agent Injector only modifies a pod or deployment if it has a specific set of annotations. Refer to the Vault documentation for a complete list of available annotations.
Review the pod configuration.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: exampleapp-secret-agent labels: app: exampleapp-secret-agent annotations: 'true' 'exampleapp' 'secret/data/exampleapp/config' 'admin' spec: serviceAccountName: exampleapp containers: - name: app image: ubuntu
These annotations define a partial structure of the deployment schema and are prefixed with
enables the Vault Agent Injector servicerole
specifies the Vault Kubernetes authentication roleagent-inject-secret-FILEPATH
prefixes the path of the file,credentials.txt
written to the/vault/secrets
directory. The value is the path to the secret defined in Vault.namespace
defines the Vault Dedicated namespace to be used. In this tutorial you are using the defaultadmin
Create the
pod.$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: exampleapp-secret-agent labels: app: exampleapp-secret-agent annotations: 'true' 'exampleapp' 'secret/data/exampleapp/config' 'admin' spec: serviceAccountName: exampleapp containers: - name: app image: ubuntu command: [ "/bin/sh" , "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ] EOF
Example output:
pod/exampleapp-secret-agent created
Get all the pods in the default namespace.
$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE exampleapp-secret-agent 1/1 Running 0 84s vault-agent-injector-7b6cd469d8-8svg5 1/1 Running 0 17m
Wait until the
pod reports that it is running and ready (2/2
).Display the secrets written to the file
on theexampleapp-secret-agent
pod.$ kubectl exec -it exampleapp-secret-agent -c app -- cat /vault/secrets/credentials.txt
The result displays the unformatted secret data present on the container.
data: map[password:salsa username:giraffe] metadata: map[created_time:2023-04-03T05:26:14.070155Z custom_metadata:<nil> deletion_time: destroyed:false version:1]
Formatting data
A template can be applied to structure this data to meet the needs of the application.
The application in this pod still retrieves the secrets directly, but now that the injector service is deployed and capable of retrieving secrets for the application, future updates can remove that application logic.
Delete the
pod.$ kubectl delete pod exampleapp-secret-agent
Remove the Vault agent pod.
$ helm uninstall vault
Stop minikube.
$ minikube stop
Delete minikube.
This will remove all existing minikube configurations.
$ minikube delete
Return to the terminal where the proxy is running and press ctrl-c to stop the proxy.
Return to the terminal where ngrok is running and press ctrl-c to stop ngrok.
Next steps
You deployed Vault Dedicated external to a Kubernetes cluster and deployed pods that leveraged it as a secrets store. You configured a pod to retrieve secrets using the token auth method, using the Kubernetes auth method, and finally through the Vault injector service.
Learn more about the Vault Helm chart by reading the documentation, exploring the project source code, exploring how pods can retrieve secrets through the Vault Injector service via annotations, or secrets mounted on ephemeral volumes.