AD FS event 320
Troubleshoot problems where your AD FS event logs show error 320.
Example debugging data
AD FS event log shows the following error:
The verification of the SAML message signature failed.
Message issuer: MyVaultIdentifier
Exception details:
MSIS7086: The relying party trust 'MyVaultIdentifier' indicates that authentication requests sent by this relying party will be signed but no signature is present.
Verify that SignedSamlRequestsRequired
is false
for your AD FS Relying Party
Trust for Vault:
Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -Name "<ADFS_VAULT_POLICY_NAME>"
For example:
Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -Name "Vault"
Set SignedSamlRequestsRequired
to false
$ Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust `
-SignedSamlRequestsRequired $false
For example:
$ Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust `
-TargetName "Vault" `
-SignedSamlRequestsRequired $false